Wednesday, 25 March 2020

New Medical Technology

Despite all of the great advances mankind has managed in the past dozen years alone, there is still reason to need and want more. This is partly due to the vicious cycle of progress. It creates and creates, making things better and making things easier; make everything more convenient for everyone. However, the fruits of this labor are not without its own share of consequences. With every great invention there comes a new kind of problem which then needs a new solution. With this great solution comes a great new invention and so the cycle continues. This is why it is so important to have new medical technology (constantly) in the world today.

So why is new medical technology so important? Just as humanity manages to find new and innovative ways and solutions to old problems, new problems simply continue to pile up (or old untreated problems get worse).

New kinds of viruses are discovered; or even worse, old viruses end up becoming immune to antibiotics that have kept it at bay in the past. This forces companies to work even harder on getting new medical technology out in the market. And if that isn’t enough, plenty of medical devices which have been dispatched to hospitals are getting more and more worn out, signaling the constant need for brand new devices. So while it seems like we have progressed enough in the medical field, the truth is that it actually needs to continue to evolve on a yearly basis which is an absolutely gargantuan task. Medicine does not grow on trees after all, and for technology to progress it needs time which that field does not have.

New medical technology is unlike the rest in the fact that if it does not evolve fast enough, then problems are simply going to continue to mount up. It needs to keep up with the changing of the times, and while it has proven to be stalwart so far, there is never any guarantee.

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