Thursday, 24 November 2016

Is Biotech Research The Right Career For You

Biotech research is among the most important work being carried out on the planet at this time. It has the potential to at least partially solve some of the problems which are afflicting humanity at this time, such as the need to produce enough food to feed the population despite the inevitable wastage being caused by pests and disease, and the need to produce drugs for the treatment of heath conditions. Research is not the only important work which biotech companies are carrying out, but it is the fundamental behind everything else they do.

The research biotechnology companies are carrying out has no precedent, in that new ground is constantly being broken. Much of the technology which is being used involves the genetic manipulation of plant life, and even of animal life when the concept is taken to the extreme. It is only in recent years that these genetic changes have been possible, and they remain controversial because of the potential for taking this technology to even further extremes, such as the cloning of human bodies. Wherever future research may lead, it is clear that it is going to need extremely careful handling.

Most of the biotechnology research which has been carried out so far has been into the manipulation of food crops, for the purposes of increasing yields and reducing wastage due to pestilence and disease. New resistant strains of many crops have already been produced, and some of them have been approved by the FDA. There is also the possibility in the future that crops may be produced which will be more resistant to temperature changes. This will also mean that more food can be retained in bad years when weather conditions are exceptionally harsh.

The other area where commercially practical biotech research can make a difference is in pharmaceuticals and drugs. It is not so much the production of new drugs which can be assisted, but the distribution of drugs which are already in regular use. There are many useful drugs which are extremely expensive to produce, and if the drug can somehow be combined with a standard plant, it can be reproduced far more cheaply and in greater supply. This will not only give the pharmaceutical companies a huge chance to profit, it will also bring the opportunity for drugs to be distributed to parts of the world which have never been able to afford them.

A research job in biotechnology is obviously going to be extremely demanding, and it will require an advanced level of education. If you are just starting out in your career, it can be a good idea to study at a college campus where you will be able to interact fully with other students and with the tutors. If this is not possible because you have an existing career or family commitments, you can always study the same material through online learning. As long as you obtain a qualification in a related scientific discipline, there is no reason why you cannot break into a research career.

The most important factor in biotech research is keeping up with what is already happening in the world. If you are working in a cutting edge biotechnology company this will not be a problem, as the company will have regular training sessions to update all employees with developments which happen in other companies and throughout the world. If you are not yet at that level, but are still studying to break into the career, make sure you watch out for regular news updates on both the regular news sites and specialist portals. They can tell you what is happening with biotech research.

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